Personal care routine

Virus Protection: Stay Safe & Healthy

It’s never been more important for us to protect ourselves and those around us from viruses. So how can you play your part and ensure you are doing everything you can to stay healthy? Learn how bacteria and viruses spread from person to person, how anti-bacterial soap can work and the importance of hand washing.

How bacteria and viruses spread


Bacteria and viruses are most commonly spread by human contact such as kissing, hugging and shaking hands. You can also spread viruses by coughing and sneezing in public areas, and touching contaminated areas where food is eaten and prepared. Animals and livestock can also carry and spread many viruses and forms of bacteria.

How antibacterial soap works


Anti-bacterial soap works by actively killing bacteria with ingredients such as triclosan. Chemicals such as this also inhibit further growth of bacteria on the hands and stop viruses from being spread between people. Regular hand washes without anti-bacterial chemicals mechanically remove germs from the hands but don’t stop them from reforming.

How to protect against viruses


The best way of killing viruses is with good hygiene and regular hand washing. You should do this using fresh, warm water and anti-bacterial soap that kills 99% of germs such as Palmolive Family Antibacterial Handwash. Enriched with a moisturising agent, extract of propolis and a natural ingredient with anti-bacterial properties, this gentle cleanser is an effective way of protecting the whole family from viruses. Ensure you wash your hands for at least 20 seconds, lathering them with hand wash on both sides and in between the fingers and under the nails before rinsing.

How should you protect your hands when you can’t access soap and water?


If you don’t have immediate access to running water and hand wash, it’s extremely important to practice good hygiene regulations so you don’t catch or spread viruses. You can do this by carrying anti-bacterial hand gel with you and applying after touching surfaces or before eating or drinking. Public Health England advises using a gel with an alcohol content of at least 60% in order to kill bacteria. However, this should only be used as an interim form of keeping your hands clean. Nothing is more effective than washing your hands with soap and water.

How else can you protect yourself from viruses?


Viruses spread when they come into contact with other living cells such as the eyes, mouth or open wounds. This is why you should avoid touching your face when you aren’t able to wash your hands, especially after sneezing or coughing. Try and direct coughs and sneezes into a tissue (or your arm if you don’t have one) and apply hand sanitiser immediately.

Palmolive Naturals




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